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Jakarta, Indonesia
Take the way you want and kick the threat. Running with full speed like a deer. And loud of laugh!

Kamis, 22 Mei 2014


~ a relationship just needs to be lived and hope that everything will be fine until the end.

After a few month together with your partner, you will realize that many things not as you expected. Not romantic, not fully care, not perfect like when the first you met them.

Calm down!

Setelah sekian lama bersama kita tidak perlu lagi memberi signal apa yang kita harapkan atau kita inginkan, kita cukup mengatakan terbuka setiap keinginan-keinginan kita. Tidak perlu lagi berbagi kabar setiap detik, tidak perlu menjada image, saling mengerti dan mengetahui setiap kebiasaan partner. 

Then! Is not the point...

Setelah sekian lama bersama itulah akan muncul nightmare, mulai bertengkar karena semakin mengenal sifat masing-masing, merasa bahwa partner tidak sempurna, saling menuntut, atau merasa semakin bosan.

Well.. Well.. Well... How come?

It's only about time, about we do so many together everyday and everytime. Together

But, most important should we remember that we start together with love, the ending should be together also with the same love. If we can love them the past why we cant love them now or in future? 

So the point like the first that I wrote:

a relationship just needs to be lived and hope that everything will be fine until the end.

Terlepas dari semua harapan dan perhitungan yang sudah kalian lakukan, kita akan tersadar bahwa hubungan itu hanya perlu dijalani. Sambil berharap bahwa semua akan baik-baik saja sampai nanti.

So then, no need to worry. Just keep with trust. 

Be Happy all....

- Salam Super Penuh Cinta di Kamis Sore-

1 komentar:

  1. AKakkakakakakakakakk pen ketawaaaaa muahahahha. Intinya, kepastian ya? hihihihi
